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Thursday 3 October 2019

In what direction does the buoyant force on an object immersed in a liquid act

Force of floatation work upward in vertical position

What is the SI unit of thrust


Relation between Force and Pressure

 Pressure (P) = Force (F)/Area (A)

When a ball is thrown up in vertical position the direction of the gravitational acceleration

Opposite to the direction of its moment

Equation for freely falling object

  1. v = u + gt
  2. h = it +  ½gt²
  3. v² - u² = 2gh

Is weight an scalar quantity or a vector


Where will the weight of an object will be highest on poles or an equator

The weight of an object will be here on poles because the value of g is Greater there

What is the relation between mass and weight


What is the value of radius of the earth on poles

6357 kilometre

What is the value of radius of the earth on equator

6378 kilometre

what is the value of radius of earth

6.4 × 10^6 m

what is the mass of earth


by which instrument is weight measured

 Spring balance

By which measurement is the mass of an object measured

Physical balance

What is the SI unit of pressure

 Newton/m² or Pascal

What is the SI unit of weight


What is the SI unit of mass


what is gravitational acceleration of free fall

9.8 m/s²

The force between two objects if the mass of both objects are doubled

It will become 4 times

Force between two objects if if the distance between the objects is double and triple

 the gravitation forth will became are forth on doubling the distance between two objects. The force of gravity will become 1/9  on tripling the distance between two object

Force between two objects if the mass of one object is doubled

The force of gravity will go double

What is the value of g when anything is thrown upside

g = -9.8m/s²

What do we call the gravitational force between the earth and an object


What is the weight of a body on moon as compared to the same on earth


What is relation between g and G

g = GM/R²

What is the weight of an object on centre of the earth


On which factor does the value of acceleration of gravity depend

 On the latitude

Write name of a factor on which g depends

 Distance of object from the centre of the earth

In which direction does the force of gravitation work

In the direction of the line joining centre of two bodies

Where on earth will the value of g be greatest

 On poles

Where on Earth is the value of g MI lowest


Mention value of g on the the centre of the earth


What is the value of g on the earth surface

 9.8 m/s²

What is the value of G

6.67 ×10—¹¹ Nm²/kg²

On which angle from the Horizon today player throw a ball so as enable it fall at maximum distance


What is the SI unit of g


What is the SI unit of gravitational constant G


write the formula to find the magnitude of the gravitational force between the earth and an object on the surface of the earth


if distance between two object is r to which quantity will the gravitation acting between the two you will be proportional to


Tuesday 1 October 2019

Which object will have greater inertia light weight or heavy weight

 heavy weight

What will happened two momentum of velocity of a moving body is halved


On which principal does a rocket work

 Law of conservation of momentum

Which quantity measure inertia of a body


which law Newton is applied during flying of a jet

 Third law

What is the relation between Newton and dyne

 1 N equal to 10 to the power 5 D

which has less interior between a loaded truck and an Empty truck

Empty truck

when a bullet is fired by a gun the gun moves backward on which rule is it based

 on Newton's third  low of motion

when a bullet is fired by a gun the gun moves backward on which rule is it based

 on Newton's third  low of motion

the relationship among Force mass and acceleration


In which direction will passengers full if a moving can stop suddenly

Towards front

Which physical quality has Newton as its unit


What is the SI unit of momentum

Kg metre per second

What is the SI unit of force
